Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ochocinco isn't ALL jokes

Chad Ochocinco  was up to his usual fun-and-games last weekend as he attempted to "bribe" an official with $1. The National Football League didn't find his act too amusing, presenting him with a $20,000 fine.

Check out Sports and the Media to get all the details.

Despite his sometimes off-putting shenanigans, Ochocinco does have a good heart. Sometimes his antics can be a bit nonsensical, but no one can ever say he is unoriginal. In fact, he might be one of the most entertaining athletes to follow because of his creative sideshows.

Chad OchocincoTo prepare for the Bengals matchup with the Steelers today, Ochocinco decided to spoil a fan with a shopping spree (and it wasn't even a Bengals' enthusiast).

On Friday, Ochocinco tweeted: "Hotel manager name is Jesse, first person to say my name Ocho Cinco to Jesse at the Marriot we about to act a donkey in the mall."

Almost instantly after Ochocinco posted the tweet, Jesse Staigler, a shift manager at the Pittsburgh Marriott, turned into a very big deal as more than 50 people showed up at the Marriott to find him. The first person to find Jesse was David Anderson, making him the lucky winner of a shopping spree paid for by the Bengals' social media sensation. Anderson, 22 of North Point Breeze, Penn., found Jesse within 15 minutes of the tweet.

Anderson, like pretty much the entire population of the Pittsburgh area, is a Steelers fan, but that didn't ruin the fun. I mean, what could honestly be upsetting about getting free stuff?

Fans were still calling the hotel hours later trying to find the now famous Jesse despite the fact that a winner had already been announced. The Marriott staff finally chose to tell those who called that Jesse had left for the day.

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